the moon lives in the lining of your skin
- pablo neruda

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

feedback, feedback

wow... i got 2 really awesome "reviews" thus far.
a little surprised, a little hard to receive as i feel somewhat undeserving (or maybe i'm just conditioned to feel that way?), but so thrilled and honored and grateful nonetheless.


Gri pp o is gripping. From the moment she walks out on the stage with her winning smile, lithesome body, and astounding presence you know you're in for a treat. It's no wonder her dad has a houseful of pictures of this daughter: it's hard to stop looking at her and on top of that, she has a storytelling voice that's captivating.

- Bonnie G


You nailed your piece. If I interpreted it correctly, it spoke to me about casual life, family, humor, unrequested success and the joy of tiny failures to add the spice of variety to your life. My favorite feature was the mirrored aspect of the performance. As if your monologue was echoed by your dance, perfectly.

Terpsichore daughter of Zeus, you are Muse.

You have such fire.

Let it burn.


- Dave A

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